QHMA Choice Awards - Vote for Your Favorite Finalist EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR Finalists (choose one from below): Casey Kibbe, Swift River Elementary (Belchertown) Gregory Devine, Quabbin Regional School District (Barre) Heather Weirbrick, Stanley M. Koziol Elementary School (Ware) Marcie Fusco, Wildwood Acres Farm & Forest School (West Brookfield) Stephen Duff, Quaboag Regional School District (Warren) Tina Young, Palmer Public Schools (Palmer) ____________________________________________________________________________________ FOOD/DRINK ESTABLISHMENT OF THE YEAR Finalists (choose one from below): Arcpoint Brewing Company (Belchertown) Brimfield Winery (Brimfield) Figlio (Palmer) The Grapevine Grille (Belchertown) Hardwick Vineyard & Winery (Hardwick) Steaming Tender (Palmer) ____________________________________________________________________________________ HERO OF THE YEAR Finalists (choose one from below): Adam Brougham, Belchertown Police Dept. K-9 Officer Amanda Hodgen, Greene Acres Equestrian Center, educational, safe & community oriented owner Jennifer Whitehead, Clapp Memorial Library, Children's Librarian & volunteer on several community committees Jillian Smith, Wales, house fire savior to neighbors Andre & Madeline Bouchard Paul Kuc, Recreation Program Director for BHN/VHS serving ages 8-19 living Ware, Palmer, Monson, Ludlow, and Belchertown. Seth Blackwell, Warren Fire Dept. (Retired), daily volunteer at Quaboag Regional Middle & High School ____________________________________________________________________________________ RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT OF THE YEAR Finalists (choose one from below): Don's Auto Sales & Service (Belchertown) Hardwick Farmers Co-op (Hardwick) Life's Memories & More (Three Rivers) Monson Thrift Shop & Community Center (Monson) The Spirit Shoppe (West Brookfield) Tina Marie’s Hair & Boutique (Belchertown) ____________________________________________________________________________________ QHMA BUSINESS OF THE YEAR Finalists (choose one from below): Country Bank (multiple locations) Hardwick Farmers Co-op (Hardwick) J. Stolar Insurance Agency (Three Rivers) Monson Savings (multiple locations) Salem Cross Inn (West Brookfield) Teresa's Restaurant (Ware) ____________________________________________________________________________________ QHMA VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR Finalists (choose one from below): Cindy Skowyra, Hitchcock Free Academy Edward Fisher Jr., Fisher Tech Solutions Lena Buteau, Monson Savings Lorna Stone, Christopher Heights of Belchertown Mary Dembkowski, Cedarbrook Village at Ware Tracey Giard, Country Bank ____________________________________________________________________________________ Email: * Enter Your Email Address: Date and Time * Format: M/d/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM Only one submission per user per day