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Canna Retreat


Specialty Stores

About Us

Our Story

Canna Retreat was born from a story of resilience, a testament to the healing powers of cannabis. Founded by a veteran who discovered solace in cannabis during his darkest times, our mission extends beyond selling products—it’s about sharing a solution that transformed a life. After the loss of his son, a fellow veteran, our founder faced nights of unrest and days of seeking answers, until cannabis offered a beacon of hope. This personal revelation ignited a passion to create Canna Retreat, a dispensary that stands as a sanctuary for the everyday person.

Our Promise

In the heart of working-class neighborhoods, we promise a retreat that’s within reach. We’re dedicated to sourcing the best quality cannabis at prices that allow everyone to partake in the peace it brings. Canna Retreat is more than a store; it’s a community, a place where you can find a moment of vacation without ever hopping on a plane. Join us in embracing a lifestyle where every day holds the potential for a peaceful escape. Welcome to Canna Retreat, where your wellness journey begins.